A1 Recruiting, Inc invites you to join us as...
Who to Talk to
The best and most effective means to be engaged with our organization is to establish
direct contact with one of our trained technical recruiters. Please refer to our
staff listing for appropriate
contact information. E-mail contact is recommended.
What to Expect
Our trained recruiters are busy everyday reviewing potential candidates for their suitability to work for our clients. Our primary focus is to work directly with IT candidates. When contacting our recruiters please be specific on which
job you are applying for. We are very job oriented and our process is driven by job numbers. Please also summarize your qualification as they pertain to the job requirement that you are applying for. Please see our comprehensive list of consulting opportunities.
Options on Hire
In an effort to best serve our client's and to provide the best employment opportunties, we offer a series of contractor and employment packages. We are an agile organization and we understand that IT contractors like options upon engagement. We offer corp-to-corp contractual agreements, W2-Hourly employment and W2 Fulltime Employment with Benefits. We also provide Visa Sponsorship for H1b Visas and Canadian TN Visas. We are working everyday to create effective and the most beneficial employment opportunties and packages. Please
contact our recruiters for details.